Monthly Archives: February 2019


Episode 11 – Workshop Series Part 2: Planning for College—With John Williams

Even the least financially savvy people know that saving for college is a lengthy but important process.

If you’re not sure where to begin, let Marc Bautis and his colleague John Williams be your guides. In part two of the workshop series, Marc and John Williams cover the ins and outs of planning and saving for college.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • When you should start saving for your own (or your kids’) college education
  • Why 529 plans have become almost synonymous with college planning, and the benefits and downfalls of these particular plans
  • Why the biggest part of the Bautis Financial planning process is understanding the clients’ goals and needs
  • How investing in real estate may help you save for schooling
  • Why it’s important to be flexible with planning for college
  • And more!

Tune in now as Marc and John get you set up to plan for college!

Resources:  Bautis Financial | Financial Workshops Part 1: Maximizing Your Social Security


Episode 10 – Financial Workshops Part 1: Maximizing Your Social Security

Marc Bautis’ newest series covers content from the financial planning workshops that he and his team put on in North Jersey. In this first part, Marc teaches you how to maximize your Social Security benefit and he clears up common misconceptions along the way.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How Social Security adjusts for inflation in the cost of living
  • What happens when the cost of benefits exceed the income that Social Security collects as part of payroll taxes
  • Why reforms to the system will be what makes (or breaks) the future of this benefit
  • About the top questions that clients ask Marc about Social Security
  • About the potential benefits of waiting to start collecting Social Security
  • How to maximize your Social Security benefit
  • And more!

Tune in now and learn how to maximize your Social Security benefit!

Resources:  Bautis Financial