Episode 32 – Retirement Numbers That Every Single Person Needs to Know: Part 1

Are you on track for your retirement? Knowing your numbers and understanding what they mean can help you make any adjustments that are needed for you to reach your retirement goals.

In this episode, Marc Bautis walks you through the important numbers and ratios that you should be aware of as you’re saving for retirement. This is a must-listen conversation that will teach you how to decode your credit score and become an organized saver and spender. 

 In this episode, you will learn:

  • The purpose of knowing your capital income ratio
  • How to understand your credit score 
  • How your FICO report can affect your borrowing power
  • About AGI and how it ties to your tax bracket
  • And more!

Tune in to learn numbers and tips that can help you work towards a happy retirement.  

Resources:  Bautis Financial | Savings Goals by Age | Annual Credit Report


Episode 31 – Why We Use the Factor Investing Strategy

Not so long ago, it was only the big institutions that had access to all the pertinent investing information, but nowadays even the small investment firms can say they are playing at the same level.

In this episode, Marc Bautis explains the history of investing and portfolio management along with how and why factor-based investing came to fruition. Looking at aspects such as quality, volatility, momentum, and size, Marc shares how he and his firm utilize the factor investing strategy to best help their clients.

In this episode you will learn: 

  • An explanation of factor investing
  • Details about the four main factors used in factor investing
  • What to consider about each factor
  • How Bautis Financial uses this strategy to help their clients
  • And more!

Tune in now to get an inside look at factor investing trading. 

Resources:  Bautis Financial: (862) 205-5000  


Episode 30 – How to Start Decluttering Your Home Today — With Maria Diaz

It’s easy for people to become overwhelmed with clutter. Things pile up and become a burden to deal with. But when you have specific guidance, decluttering — and even just starting the process — becomes much easier. 

In this episode, Marc Bautis welcomes guest Maria Diaz, owner and founder of Order & Ease, to discuss ways you can start decluttering your home today. This is a must-listen conversation for anyone who would like to boost their organization and help their parents improve the level of safety within their homes. 

In this episode you will learn: 

  • What organization system Maria used to help Marc declutter his garage
  • How clutter affects people’s mental and physical health
  • Decluttering advice for baby boomers whether they’re moving into assisted living or aging in place
  • Action items for adult children who want to help their parents get organized
  • Creative ideas for commemorating sentimental belongings that are taking up too much space or can’t be taken into an assisted living facility
  • And more!

Tune in now and get inspired to start decluttering today!


Bautis Financial: (862) 205-5000 | Order & Ease: (201) 463-7726



Episode 29 – Tax Planning: Not Just a Year-End Event — With Kenneth Lam, CPA

With the end of the year fast approaching, you might be starting to think about your tax situation. But as you will soon find out, it’s best to do tax planning year-round. 

In this episode, Marc Bautis welcomes guest Kenneth Lam, the CPA, CEO, and founder of CPA Tax & Financial Planning, to discuss ways you can improve your tax situation by planning throughout the year and not just at the end.

 In this episode, you will learn:

  • The difference between tax deductions and tax credits
  • Reasons to use capital gains towards opportunity zones
  • About new deductions available to all business owners
  • About the W-4 withholding allowance
  • And more!

Tune in to learn how tax planning year-round can benefit you or your business.

Resources:  Bautis Financial: (862) 205-5000 | CPA Tax & Financial Planning, LLC: (732) 520-2668 | Email Ken Lam 


Episode 28 – Why Medicare Parts A and B Aren’t Enough — With Victoria Finlay

A lot of people with Medicare wrongly believe that having only Parts A and B will be sufficient. With open enrollment period in full swing, now is the time to make adjustments to get complete coverage.

In this episode, Marc Bautis welcomes returning guest Victoria Finlay to uncover why Parts A and B don’t cut it on their own. Brimming with pointers on Medicare, Medigap, and Medicare Advantage, this is a must-listen for expert guidance on which options to choose based on the cost and the coverage you’re looking for. 

 In this episode, you will learn:

  • The different parts of Medicare and the coverages you can receive
  • What to keep in mind about late enrollment penalties
  • How to pick out the best coverage plan for you 
  • Questions to ask potential policy providers to ensure you will be properly covered
  • And more!

Tune in to learn which Medicare coverage options are available to you. Remember, open enrollment period ends on December 7!


Bautis Financial: (862) 205-5000 | Marc’s Medicare resources | 10 Common Medicare Questions | Retirement Health Care Reference Guide | Medical Enrollment | Medicare.gov 



Episode 27 – Can a Reverse Mortgage Fit in Your Financial Plan? — With David Faccone

Are you falling short on your financial goals for your retirement? If you own your own home, do you know the value of the equity you have in it?

In this episode, Marc Bautis brings on a longtime friend to discuss reverse mortgages and how they may be of benefit to your financial plan. David Faccone is a mortgage lender from Finance of America with vast knowledge and experience with these types of mortgages.

 In this episode, you will learn:

  • What exactly is a reverse mortgage
  • Who is eligible to apply for a reverse mortgage
  •  The pros and cons to having a reverse mortgage 
  • And more!

Tune in to find out what options you have when using your home to aid you in retirement.

Resources:  Bautis Financial | Finance of America | David Faccone


Episode 26 – Changing Jobs? Don’t Forget About Your 401(k)

Statistics show that the average person will change jobs 11 times over the course of their life.  What happens to their 401(k)? 

In this episode, Marc Bautis talks about the five 401(k) options a person has when they leave their job. It turns out that this is one of the most important retirement decisions you will make. Listen in as Marc walks you through the pros and cons of each option, giving expert advice along the way. 

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How to decide whether to leave a 401(k) where it is or bring it over to your new employer
  • The importance of obtaining your fee-disclosure document
  • Why there are very few pros to cashing out your 401(k)
  • What a “zombie 401(k)” is and how to hunt one down
  • And more!

Tune in now to find out what options you can take with your 401(k) when you change jobs. 

Resources:  Bautis Financial 


Episode 25 – Is Divorce Coaching Right for You? — With Jason Levoy

Going through a divorce can be extremely stressful and overwhelming. Could you benefit from the support of a divorce coach?

In this episode, Marc Bautis is joined by divorce coach Jason Levoy to discuss what it’s like to navigate the divorce process with a coach on your side. This conversation is dedicated to bringing you full details about a source of support you may have overlooked until now. 

In this episode, you will learn:

  • At which stage people usually engage a divorce coach
  • Why some people approach Jason after a divorce is final
  • What sets Jason apart from other divorce coaches
  • Jason’s tips for people at different stages of divorce
  • And more!

Tune in to hear from divorce coach Jason Levoy and consider whether coaching is right for you!

Resources:  Bautis Financial | Jason Levoy | The Divorce Resource Guy Podcast 


Episode 24 – 10 Things CPAs Should Know About IRAs: Part 1

Are you a CPA who has questions about individual retirement plans (IRAs)? Or maybe you just want to know more about IRAs to make sure you’re doing right for your own future.

In part one of his new mini-series, Marc Bautis throws light on 10 things CPAs should know about IRAs. This informative and energetic episode is all about helping you plan for a financially free retirement. 

In this episode, you will learn: 

  • What the current contribution rates are for IRAs
  • Which factors determine your eligibility to contribute
  • How to use an NUA strategy to save on taxes
  • Whether it makes sense to convert to a Roth
  • And more!

Tune in to learn about IRAs and consider if you’re using it to its greatest potential.

Resources:  Bautis Financial


Episode 23 – Can Dividends Lead to Financial Freedom?

Have you ever asked yourself, “What is a dividend?” or “Can a dividend really help me reach my financial goals?” If so, you’ll want to listen to this!

In this information-rich episode, Marc Bautis dives deep into everything you need to know when planning for your financial freedom — and how dividends may help you get there.

In this episode, you will learn: 

  • The definition of a dividend
  • Why it is important to look at a stock’s total return
  • What a payout ratio is and how it can benefit you
  • And so much more!

Tune in to learn about dividend-paying stocks and answer this question: “Can they help me get to where I want to go?”

Resources:  Bautis Financial


Episode 22 – What Would You Do If There Was a Recession?

The word “recession” is enough to make any economist shudder. But sometimes recessions happen and it’s important to be prepared. 

In this episode, Marc Bautis explains whether we should be worried about an impending recession and how to combat one if it does happen.

In this episode, you will learn: 

  • The four phases of the economy and each of their roles 
  • What could end the “bull market” phase of the economic cycle
  • How the Internet and social media can affect the cycle
  • And more!

Tune in to learn about the inner workings of the economy and how to prepare for a recession.

Resources  Bautis Financial


Episode 21 – How to Use ESG Investments in Your Portfolio

Do you want your investments to align with your personal values? If so, you may be interested in socially responsible investing!

In this episode of Agent of Wealth Podcast, Marc Bautis explains socially responsible investing and how to use environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investments in your portfolio. 

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The major drivers of ESG investing
  • How to use your investments to influence change
  • Which large companies are participating in socially responsible investing
  • How ESG investments can help your company grow and gain popularity
  • And more!

Tune in now to learn about socially responsible investing and how to use ESG investments in your portfolio!

Resources:  Bautis Financial


Episode 20 – Adding Real Estate to Your Investment Strategy

Should you be investing in real estate? 

In today’s episode, Marc Bautis breaks down what investing in real estate involves and the benefits of adding it to your investment strategy. 

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The main reasons to consider incorporating real estate into your portfolio
  • The different types of real estate options available to invest in
  • The value of factoring in the cost of a property manager 
  • Which information to look for when conducting your research 
  • The ideal number of properties to invest in
  • How you can scale up the number of properties you have as you gain experience in the real estate market
  • The difference between actively and passively investing in real estate
  • And more!

Tune in now to learn how you can start incorporating real estate into your portfolio!

Resources:  Bautis Financial


Episode 19 – Benefits to Knowing Your Business’s Value Now — With Guest Jason Early

Do you know how much your business is worth? You deserve to know your business’s value throughout its entire lifecycle, not just when you go to exit.

In this episode, Marc Bautis speaks with guest Jason Early, chief revenue officer at BizEquity, about the advantages of knowing your business’s value and how to overcome barriers to getting a valuation done. 

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How and why BizEquity came about
  • What the purpose of a business valuation is
  • The benefits of having a business valuation completed
  • How to overcome the fear of getting a business valuation done
  • And more!

Tune in today and learn about the benefits of getting a business valuation!

Resources:  Bautis Financial | BizEquity



Episode 18 – Meet Victoria Finlay of Bautis Financial

In this episode of Agent of Wealth Podcast, you will meet Victoria Finlay, a financial advisor at Bautis Financial. Victoria studied financial planning at Virginia Tech University and has been working at Bautis Financial for about a year.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • What the first year of work at a financial advising office looks like
  • How Victoria has transitioned from student to advisor
  • Victoria’s recommendations for saving for university for multiple children in your family
  • How Victoria has worked with clients at Bautis Financial to help them reach their financial goals
  • What goes into getting the CFP® designation
  • And more!

Tune in to this episode of the Agent of Wealth Podcast to get to know Bautis Financial’s Victoria Finlay!

Resources:  Bautis Financial


Episode 17 – Budgeting to Make Your Money Work for You — With Judy Lawrence

Agent of Wealth Podcast Summary

Have you prepared a budget that you stick to regularly? Wondering why you should?

In this episode of Agent of Wealth Podcast, Marc Bautis is joined by Judy Lawrence, a personal finance counselor, speaker on money management, and author of two financial bestsellers. Marc and Judy discuss the importance of budgeting and how to make your budget work for you.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How a budget can make you feel liberated, rather than held back
  • Why it’s now easier than ever to create — and stick to — a budget
  • How to budget if you have a variable income
  • Why you should create a template for your monthly budget, but leave room for variable expenses
  • And more!

Tune in and embrace budgeting with Marc Bautis and guest Judy Lawrence!

Resources:  Bautis Financial | moneytracker.com | The Budget Kit: The Common Cents Money Management Workbook | Judy@moneytracker.com


Episode 16 – What Issues Should I Consider Before I Retire? – Part 2

Perhaps you feel emotionally ready to retire, but are you financially ready?

Stop the Google search and discover which financial issues to consider before you retire. In the final episode of this two-part series, Marc Bautis covers action items to take care of before retirement, including asset allocation, tax planning, and long-term planning.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why it’s important to consider how your investment objectives and risk tolerance may change once you retire
  • Why it’s essential to understand your annuity options and how to use them effectively
  • When required minimum distribution (RMD) comes into effect and how it affects your retirement accounts
  • How to use long-term financial planning to save money on taxes
  • And more!

Download this episode of Agent of Wealth Podcast and find out what to consider before you retire.

Resources:  Bautis Financial | What Issues Should I Consider Before I Retire? – Part 1 | Business Valuation Tool


Episode 15 – What Should I Consider Before I Retire?

Making the transition to retirement can be stressful unless you’re fully prepared for the financial, mental, and emotional changes that go with it.

In this episode of Agent of Wealth Podcast, Marc Bautis gives you an exclusive walk-through of his retirement preparation checklist and offers expert recommendations along the way.  

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How far in advance you should start running through the retirement preparation checklist
  • Why you may receive a reduced benefit if you start collecting Social Security before your full retirement age
  • What options to consider if you retire before you’re eligible for Medicare
  • Whether you can still use your health spending account (HSA) if you also have Medicare coverage
  • And more!

Tune in to this episode and take a tour of your retirement preparation checklist!

Resources:  Bautis Financial | Episode 10 – Financial Workshops Part 1: Maximizing Your Social Security


Episode 14 – How to Get That Student Loan Paid Off — With Guest Jan Miller of Miller Student Loan Consultants

You planned and saved for the cost of college, and then you spent more than you ever could have imagined. Let’s face it: Student loans are daunting, and you may need help to navigate the next financial steps.

In this episode of Agent of Wealth Podcast, Marc Bautis sits down with student loan expert Jan Miller of Miller Student Loan Consultants to explain how you can pay off student debt as efficiently and pain-free as possible.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How Jan analyzes potential clients’ financial standings to determine their next steps
  • What the four pillars of student loan repayment are and the difference between each one
  • How working for a non-profit organization may save you money on loan repayment
  • How to tell if your debt-repayment plan is going to be the best plan for you
  • And more!

Listen in and learn about the benefits of creating a customized plan for your student loan repayment!

Resources:  Bautis Financial | Miller Student Loan Consultants


Episode 13 – 10 Cybersecurity Threats and How to Combat Them

As technology continues to advance, cybersecurity is becoming an increasingly necessary topic of conversation. In this episode, Marc and John from Bautis Financial share 10 of the most common cybersecurity threats for individuals’ and small business’ finances, and how to combat them.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The importance of putting workflows in place to remain secure online
  • Why you should request a credit report twice a year
  • How to tell if an email is dangerous
  • Ways to strengthen your passwords to ensure security across platforms
  • And more!

Learn how to avoid cybersecurity threats today!

Resources:  Bautis Financial


Episode 12 – Cutting College Costs — With Guest John Williams

You’ve spent your life saving for your child’s education, and now the time has come for those savings to be used.

In this episode of the Agent of Wealth Podcast, Marc Bautis sits down with college planning expert John Williams to discuss how you can get the most out of your college savings.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The importance of applying for financial aid, even if you think you’re ineligible
  • Which financial-aid applications you should fill out based on your situation
  • Why attending a college that’s not on the water may actually save you money
  • Whether you can exclude assets from your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) calculation
  • Why you should remain realistic and upfront when planning for college
  • And more!

Tune in and learn easy tips for cutting college costs!

Resources:  Bautis Financial | College Board Financial Aid Calculator


Episode 11 – Workshop Series Part 2: Planning for College—With John Williams

Even the least financially savvy people know that saving for college is a lengthy but important process.

If you’re not sure where to begin, let Marc Bautis and his colleague John Williams be your guides. In part two of the workshop series, Marc and John Williams cover the ins and outs of planning and saving for college.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • When you should start saving for your own (or your kids’) college education
  • Why 529 plans have become almost synonymous with college planning, and the benefits and downfalls of these particular plans
  • Why the biggest part of the Bautis Financial planning process is understanding the clients’ goals and needs
  • How investing in real estate may help you save for schooling
  • Why it’s important to be flexible with planning for college
  • And more!

Tune in now as Marc and John get you set up to plan for college!

Resources:  Bautis Financial | Financial Workshops Part 1: Maximizing Your Social Security


Episode 10 – Financial Workshops Part 1: Maximizing Your Social Security

Marc Bautis’ newest series covers content from the financial planning workshops that he and his team put on in North Jersey. In this first part, Marc teaches you how to maximize your Social Security benefit and he clears up common misconceptions along the way.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How Social Security adjusts for inflation in the cost of living
  • What happens when the cost of benefits exceed the income that Social Security collects as part of payroll taxes
  • Why reforms to the system will be what makes (or breaks) the future of this benefit
  • About the top questions that clients ask Marc about Social Security
  • About the potential benefits of waiting to start collecting Social Security
  • How to maximize your Social Security benefit
  • And more!

Tune in now and learn how to maximize your Social Security benefit!

Resources:  Bautis Financial


Episode 9 – Understanding Risk in Your Portfolio

Right now the markets are a little precarious and have been more volatile in the last month than they have been over the past decade.

Are you wondering how much risk exposure you have in your portfolio?

Today, Marc Bautis explains how investors can incorporate enough risk in their portfolios to achieve their goals—while still feeling comfortable about their risk exposure.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why you can’t count on timing the markets
  • How Marc coaches his clients’ through their concerns about major drops in the market
  • About the tool that Marc uses to help clients determine the amount of risk they are comfortable with, and how he uses this tool to diversify their portfolios
  • Marc’s best piece of advice for 2019

Tune in now and gain clarity on your level of risk exposure!

Resources: Bautis Financial | Risk Tool


Episode 8 – This is How Successful People Achieve Big Goals


A lot of people want to achieve big goals, like starting a business, losing weight, investing in a real estate project—or all of the above.

But many people don’t achieve their biggest goals. Why is that?

In this episode, Marc Bautis shares what successful people do differently to land their achievements.

In this episode you will learn:

  • The importance of setting SMART goals
  • How to set yourself up for success to achieve your goals
  • The importance of planning how you are going to achieve your goals
  • Why it’s important to not get caught up in the process of achieving your goals
  • How having accountability from another person might make the difference between achieving your goals or not
  • Why you should find a physical way to remind yourself of your goals

Tune in now as Marc shares successful people’s secrets to accomplishing their biggest goals!

Resources:  Bautis Financial


Episode 7 – Breaking Down the Current State of the Economy

For the past few years, investors have experienced mostly smooth sailing conditions in the stock market. However, the markets have become rockier since October, prompting investors to wonder what actions they should be taking.

Today, Marc Bautis dives into the current state of the economy, outlining what’s going on, what’s causing the recent turbulence, and what investors should do to adjust.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How interest rates are causing uncertainty in the markets
  • Why big companies like Apple can cause volatility in the market
  • Strategies that may suit your investing style that you can implement in this climate
  • Why investors shouldn’t base their strategies off of political news, policies, or strategies
  • And more!

Tune in to this informative episode now to learn more about where the economy is at and why!

Resources:  Bautis Financial | Bautis Financial Risk Questionnaire | 862-205-5800



Episode 6 – Last Chance Financial Planning: Part 4

How often do you reassess your tax planning or insurance policies?

In the fourth and final part of Marc Bautis’ mini-series on year-end financial planning, Marc shares several ways you can reassess your taxes and insurance to maximize your financial potential.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How the new tax laws will affect your taxes
  • The benefits of the “bunching deductions” strategy
  • The importance of reevaluating previously held tax strategies
  • How often you should check your insurance policies—and why
  • And more!

Join Marc now and learn how to make the most of your taxes and insurance in the new year!

Resources: Bautis Financial | 862-205-5800 | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | 2018 Year-End Financial Planning Checklist



Episode 5 – Last Chance Financial Planning: Part 3

It’s time for part three of Marc Bautis’ financial planning series! Today, Marc details how you can plan for major life transitions, like selling a home or adopting a child.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How to determine if downsizing will actually save you money
  • Four options for your 401(k) or retirement account if you change jobs
  • What Americans’ number one motivator is for organizing their finances
  • Marc’s recommendation for choosing a guardian for your estate plan
  • And more!

Tune in now and learn how you can prepare confidently for your life transitions!

Resources: Bautis Financial | 862-205-5800 | Episode 4-Your 2018 Year-End Financial Checklist: Part 2| 2018 Year-End Financial Planning Checklist



Episode 4 – Last Chance Financial Planning: Part 2

Marc Bautis is back to share his year-end checklist with you! In part two, Marc tells you everything you need to know about making retirement plan contributions before 2019 rolls in.  

Here’s what you will learn about in this episode:

  • The benefit of making contributions to your retirement plan
  • The contribution limits and deadlines for the most common retirement plans
  • Marc’s strategy for clients who can’t contribute to an IRA or Roth IRA because their income exceeds the limit
  • Recommendations for automating year-round contributions
  • What to consider when deciding to convert to an IRA to a Roth IRA
  • And more!

Tune in now and prepare to check ‘retirement contribution’ off of your to-do list!

Resources: Bautis Financial | 862 205 5800 | Episode 3-Your 2018 Year-End Financial Checklist: Part 1| 2018 Year-End Financial Planning Checklist



Episode 3 – Your 2018 Year-End Financial Checklist: Part 1

Do you wait until April to look over your finances? If so, you’re not alone; most people wait until spring to do a review. But there are financial matters that need to be taken care of by December 31st.

Today, Marc Bautis is kicking off a new mini-series on his year-end financial planning checklist, covering everything you need to review to keep yourself on track.

Here’s what you will learn about in this episode:

  • Why you need to check on your health insurance plan
  • The benefits of a health savings account
  • How to incorporate a flexible spending account into your financial plan
  • The importance of reviewing your Medicare plan and when to enroll
  • Why you should rebalance your investments
  • And more!

Tune in to this information-packed episode now and learn how to prepare for the end of 2018!

Resources: Bautis Financial | 862 205 5800 | 2018 Year-End Financial Planning Checklist


Episode 2 – Six Threats to Your Retirement

There are unforeseen risks that could knock your retirement plan off course.

In today’s episode, Marc Bautis will help you better prepare for retirement by walking you through six potential risks. Explaining each risk in a way that is easy to understand, Marc discusses:

  • Accounting for inflation as you build your savings
  • Tax-efficient ways to withdraw your money
  • What to consider when budgeting for healthcare costs
  • The current state of Social Security
  • And more

Join Marc now for an enlightening episode about six areas to take into consideration while planning for your retirement.


Bautis Financial


Episode 1 – Introduction to Marc Bautis, Wealth Manager and Founder of Bautis Financial

Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Agent of Wealth podcast. It’s time to learn all about your host, Marc Bautis, wealth manager and founder of Bautis Financial.

Marc discusses why he’s adamant about providing client education, why he’s a believer in stress-testing your portfolio, and why he has committed to reading one book per week for the last 10 years! Marc also talks about who he is outside of the office, including his greatest accomplishment and talent for recommending restaurants.

Tune in now to learn more about Marc and how you can benefit from listening to the Agent of Wealth podcast.

Resources: Bautis Financial http://bautisfinancial.com/